Who’s The Real Superhero?

With so many superhero movies lately, such as the laughable Green Hornet that turned into a half-action, half-satire comic-book-hero film adaptation, the unbelievably abysmal Ghost Rider: Spirits of Vengeance, one of the more rushed blockbuster productions in recent memory, but miraculously turned out pretty well and earning strong reviews, a whole lot of money, and of course, the inevitable plans for a sequel X-Men: First Class, the dorky film that doesn’t bother to disguise it’s comic book roots, doesn’t even try to modernize Green Lantern, a very good re-invention of a difficult to handle superhero Thor, the masterfully done “if you don’t walk out of this film screaming HELLL YEAAAA!!, then you are not normal” newest version of The Incredible Hulk, the movie that would please the fanboys and satisfy the critics Iron Man 2, the like its titular hero, which modestly embraced silliness, creating a charming B-movie experience Captain America: The First Avenger, the “never been another movie made of its caliber” and masterfully done superhero-studded The Avengers, now taking you to the next level is a rebooted The Amazing Spiderman (which I recently just finished watching just now) and soon another reincarnation of the Batman, The Dark Knight Rises (wow! what a long list it has been and that’s just a few of them), we are now getting used to seeing fictional people with special abilities.

But wouldn’t it be cooler to see real life people with amazing superhero-like abilities to actually exist in real life. Becoming a real life superhero is truly the greatest deed a man can wish for.
