How To Bypass The Cybercrime Law of the Philippines

What if when we check on FB tomorrow, we see a new type of notification,”You have one (1) new warrant of arrest.”

Here are some humorous and logical way to bypass or get around the very controversial Cybercrime Prevention Act of the Philippines.

Admittedly, I would want to hack into government websites, as what Anonymous is doing right now, but I won’t confirm my participation online due to the threat of going to jail and being branded a criminal. So I would rather do it “anonymously” to get away with it.

Heck! the online law is worst than the regular “libel” crime.


Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012: Demonizing The Online Critics

Too bad I wont be able to attend this forum as I will be attending another event that was scheduled earlier (the 1st Laguna Blogging Summit on September 27 and 28). Conflicting schedules. So many things to do, so many events happening lately, and there’s only one of me….hehehe. I would love to hear Senator TG Guingona expound about the “demonizing” libel provisions of the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012.

But, as per Rappler column: Cybercrime law: Demonizing technology , I think I already have an idea what is going to be the main agenda, just don’t know what would the resolutions be after this totally timely forum.

I guess all of us should really be talking and discussing with each other coz everyone of us would be in deep shit here once this law is implemented. Heck! There would be chaos in the streets! – and online for sure!


Oppa Gangnam Style in My Games

Oppa Gangnam GTA V Niko Bellic Style – though he can’t really dance the Gangnam Style here. “I can imagine Niko with the voice of a korean, suddenly he seems not that intimidating lol.”

Psy must be Korea’s most popular artist right now as everyone is doing the Gangnam Style….even fans are incorporating the dance in my all-time favorite games…hehehe. What I have here right now is Final Fantasy, Skyrim and Grand Theft Auto…I’m sure there are a lot out there so I’m going to add it here once I see them.

Watch the funny video below:


The Social Good Summit 2012 Inspired My First WIM Article

The Social Good Summit organized by Rappler and TweetupMNL was a huge success. The event was undoubtedly jam-packed, ….heck – the pre-registration was filled-up to the rim to which the organizers had to respond by saying the interested participants can try to walk-in coz we all know that some of those who registered online may not actually show up – for many valid or even “sublime” reasons.

…and for the fact that not all who have registered may be just trolls and not so sincere in attending. They just wanted to grab the reservation so if in case they actually made up their fuckin’ mind to attend, a seat is already reserved for them. The seemingly VIPs of the online world.


Social Good Summit After-Event Party: A Tweet-Up and a Few Drinks

I’ve learned a new word  last Saturday night and its “tweet-up”.

“Tweet-ups are glorified eye-balls and allow you to know people beyond 140 characters, beyond their geekiness. You meet like-minded people who share the same interests, who like the same things.”  That’s according to Ros Juan, one of the geeks that form part of TweetUpMNL.

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