Walang POGI sa SONA

There were a lot of  facts, though many are “in general” or vaguely touched, discussed in the recently concluded State of the Nation Address (SONA). Like the “responsible parenthood” that the President mentioned, but many were said to be “wishful thinking” if they believe it was meant to be a nod to the RH bill.

Quite a number of what was mentioned were merely promises that they would still need to fulfill before Aquino’s presidency ends. I was expecting more of concrete accomplishments that can be easily verifiable for us to check the veracity of his statements.

I am disappointed that many of what the President said were future plans and hopeful fulfillment.

But what I believe to be the most important topic that should have been discussed was the Freedom of Information (FOI) Bill.


Superman’s Enemies

While we’re still into the Batman fever because of the Dark Knight Rises movie themed Occupy Gotham courtesy of Bane, a Superman: Man of Steel teaser trailer has just been released and the movie is now scheduled to be shown sometime 2013.

But were not here just to talk about the blue boy scout, were also here to talk about his foes.

Superman’s villains, besides Lex Luthor, are extremely dangerous. General Zod, Mongul, Doomsday, Cyborg Superman and Bizarro are as strong as Supes, sometimes stronger. Parasite can steal his powers and memories. Metallo is nearly indestructible and has kryptonite as an energy source. Mxyzptlk can bend reality with a finger snap. Kryptonite Man is self-explanatory. DARKSEID IS.

However, since most Superman movies focus on Lex, people think he’s Big Blue’s only worthy villain.
