Freedom Bird Shits On PNoy : No To Cyber Martial Law

“One by one, senators who voted for the passage of the Cybercrime Prevention Law vow to amend it. What can you say?” – Yahoo Philippines

Literally, I would have to really shout out “Yahoo!”

It’s a great day for the people responsible for this ridiculous law are one by one retracting their favor towards the law and vowing to repel its implementation. However, we have yet to hear from the PNoy himself.


Hey, I Just Met You…

“I told you… and I m sure there are more to come… some would even be too callous to add.. “Vote Me Maybe” :)”

Above is a Facebook ad of one Congressman, created by a follower (I think). I just replaced the face and the info details to keep him anonymous because I kinda like the guy, and the idea was not his doing. But it’s being spread online and originated from his Facebook account. Funny enough, the admins of the FB page gave their blessings.

This is just one example of how social networking sites are also being used for publicity …..and early campaigning for the 2013 local elections in the Philippines. I have to admit that it really somehow works (well it reached me, didn’t it) especially that many of us are practically online everyday. Call it online brainwashing….or Facebook supremacy!

The number of “Likes” and “Shares” are potentially staggering, and netizens would start talking, whether positively or negatively, it still becomes free publicity.


The Evolution From Cat To Brat

Ever wondered why memes are created? ….and how they evolve from one form to another.

I was fascinated with the vast number of memes proliferating online, probably because almost everyone has easy access to the Internet nowadays, many are getting more involved, expressive and opinionated with what’s happening in our society….and many are creative enough to come up with these humorous “interventions” on the mysteries of life.

Memes are viral and propagate around therefore sometimes mutating as they propagate from one person to the next. It’s success on becoming viral would depend on how popular the subject matter of the meme is, and it would be a big help as well if the subject matter continues to be in the news.
