Superman’s Enemies

While we’re still into the Batman fever because of the Dark Knight Rises movie themed Occupy Gotham courtesy of Bane, a Superman: Man of Steel teaser trailer has just been released and the movie is now scheduled to be shown sometime 2013.

But were not here just to talk about the blue boy scout, were also here to talk about his foes.

Superman’s villains, besides Lex Luthor, are extremely dangerous. General Zod, Mongul, Doomsday, Cyborg Superman and Bizarro are as strong as Supes, sometimes stronger. Parasite can steal his powers and memories. Metallo is nearly indestructible and has kryptonite as an energy source. Mxyzptlk can bend reality with a finger snap. Kryptonite Man is self-explanatory. DARKSEID IS.

However, since most Superman movies focus on Lex, people think he’s Big Blue’s only worthy villain.


Tattooed for Dolphy

Malacañang  declared July 13 as a National Day of Remembrance in honor of the late Rodolfo Vera’ Quizon Sr., populary known as Dolphy, the King of Philippine Comedy.

T-shirts, pins and other memorabilias dedicated to Dolphy has proliferated all over the country. Even the MMDA has used their electronic signages to give a last farewell tribute to the late comedian.

Meanwhile, aside from the indelible mark Dolphy left, the Quizon clan will keep his memory alive with their Dolphy tattoos.

Boy2 Quizon, grandson of the late Dolphy, gets his right forearm tattooed with the image of the Comedy King. Tattoo artist Jaime De Leon Tud manned the session at the Wild Side Tattoo and Bar along Taft Avenue in Manila.


Spider-Man’s Biggest Fan: Part 1

“One of the best comics I’ve read in the past few years was J. Michael Straczynski’s The Amazing Spider-Man No. 500. An anniversary issue that transported present-day Spider-Man to all of the benchmark moments from his past, forcing him to relive each one more time … and triumph, even as he grew more exhausted following each battle. The issue allowed us to revisit the seminal chapters in Spider-Man’s rich history, and never once did I feel, “Bah, we saw this already!” The moments were part of a different narrative quilt, and it was exhilarating to be able to see them from a fresh perspective, all over again.

That’s what Marc Webb’s The Amazing Spider-Man is, to me. A fresh perspective. It’s another artist taking a stab at a classic character. And I adore it. There are subtle creative differences, but the joy comes in absorbing the nuances of this alternate Spider-Man universe. Some think Steve Ditko’s version is Spider-Man. Others prefer John Romita Sr., Todd McFarlane or even Brian Michael Bendis. But they’re all drawing our beloved Spider-Man, who’s back on screen in a thrilling new adventure. And that’s reason to celebrate”

– Sean O’ Connell


Getting “Social”

Yours truly got a special invite from the Ateneo Certified Digital Marketer Program to attend a free face-to-face session of the course Social Media Marketing which was scheduled today, July 12, 2012  and held at the Old Swiss Inn restaurant located at the Somerset Building in Makati.

The invitation says I was part of their “exclusive list”, and the event was limited only to 20 slots.

Wow!..I can’t imagine how I got to be part of this so called “exclusive” list but three things came into my mind:

1. Maybe they’ve found out that I’ve reached the 5k limit for my Facebook personal page and thought I would want to know how I could expand further my social networking reach.

2. or maybe they’ve read this blog and thought I could have the potential of becoming an “emerging influential” blogger if I only knew the tricks of the trade.

3. or maybe they’ve seen my face floating around the Internet and thought I was cute enough to be part of their “exclusive” list.

Well, my most credible assumption would be the third guess.


Inside The EDSA Shrine Church

It was my first time to see the insides of this small but historical  church (or is it more like a chapel) that I’ve always passed by almost everyday everytime I take the route along EDSA.

The EDSA Shrine, located at the crossroads of Epifanio de los Santos (EDSA) Avenue and Ortigas Avenue in Quezon City, is formally known as the Shrine of Mary, Queen of Peace (Our Lady of EDSA), It is dedicated to Our Lady who has miraculously interceded to oust the dictatorship in a peaceful and bloodless uprising that is now world renowned as the People Power Revolution of 1986.

I had some business transaction nearby, and some extra time to waste while waiting for the meeting time,  so there was this opportunity to visit the place.

Once inside, I remembered that the old folks have a saying that your wish would come true if it’s done in a church that you’ve visited for the first time. So (since I have nothing to lose) I’ve decided to stop for a while, enter the church, pray sincerely, and make a solemn wish, and hope that this particular superstition becomes real…even just for this moment, as I wish for miracles, not just for me but for my family, and the rest of the world, especially to those who truly need it. One miracle for every person, please.


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